Saturday, 26 September 2009

Grizzly Bear - While You Wait for the Others from Grandchildren on Vimeo.

Whilst doing some of my usual blog surfing I came across Pitch Design Union a lovely blog which looks at a variety of fine things, photography, print, architecture, video etc this video was kind of randomly creepy but intriguing none the less. I went out to a bar on tuesday and saw a couple of videos by artists there I've been meaning to go back and find the name of the group.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Oh on the theme of planning aswell, I also joined the new potential Leeds College of Art Film Club. Having never done any video work before, the club could possibly host workshops, showings of student work, exhibitions, inviting film makers etc, it sounded really interesting and a good opportunity to branch out my skills a little.

If anyone didn't know email Eddie Lockhart:

(Click to download PDF leaflet)

Looking ahead this year I'm going to be more prepared and take advantage of competitions and such. One of the events Light Night (9th Oct) is one of Leeds best, it gets me into that frame of mind for winter, mainly because its really cold and dark, but its one of those things over the past two years which reminds me of how amazing leeds can be. Its also remind me of the hand cut stop-frame animation that I produced for the event, lasting about 4 second I produced 100 handmade and cut slides, it was murder but looked fantastic on the projection. I was taking a look through my student leaflets and I came across the site, the leaflets illustrations are lovely and reminded me of the illustrations I did over the summer.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Having looked at manual print processes before and loved them during my elective I really want to go far in the next module and capitalize on the experience. Over the past couple of weeks I've been looking at print but mainly in the form of repeating pattern and products which is something that really interests me. I found these via Print&Pattern which i have been looking at since last year, and it got me thinking about taxonomy and classification. I love the illustrative style and the application to products such as cushions, notepads, bags and even trays. I really like this application of print and would love to know how it is made in batch. Reminds me of the work done by former 3rd year Mitash Patel.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Having had a fantastic summer its time now to get back into the game. I thought as a starter to help I would enter a couple of easy and fun competitions to ease myself back into the working life. Umbro's new boot the Speciali was looking for a new sole to be designed in an open competition which allowed me to use my new Creative Suite 4 software for more than just fixing up pictures, it was awesome to play with. After i also entered another open competition to design a t-shirt for an Xbox promotion. I have had a quite a reflective summer, looking back on some of the work that I produced last year I have come so far yet there are still things that i need to improve on. Having been away on holidays and in my own space I am looking forward to getting back next week.