Saturday, 16 January 2010

Via Ink on My Fingers @ Typepad. What would life be without fun? A nice bit of animation, possibly even using After Effects.

Friday, 15 January 2010

With the first samples of my valentines cards completed, the next stage is production. The screen came out quite nicely but with some areas having imperfections, this in-fact creates a very hand-crafted feel to the design and a sense of uniqueness which has turned out nicely. I've decided to thicken up the ink so it is more opaque, the first samples I produced were incredibly hazy. I've also got down to ordering my envelopes and the cello bags from World of Envelopes, they seem like a good company and should be delivered by monday. Oh and someone insisted that they take my picture whilst I was printing.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Thursday, 7 January 2010

For valentines day I have been proposing producing some cards. Here they are, well the designs anyway. To be screen printed onto square shaped cards about A6 square, the cards have a running theme, perhaps not conventional but would appeal to a niche audience whom take valentines in a more humorous sense, the theme of 'Multiple Loves'.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Monday, 4 January 2010

Today it was my partners birthday so after having a full english (I'm so going to miss having a real breakfast once christmas is over) we decided to have a venture out and went to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park for a day out together. It was actually my idea to go, because james is quite indecisive I carefully played this so I could go see the rob ryan exhibition which Becca had told me about at the YSP. having sampled some of his cards in london a couple of weeks ago the exhibition was no let down, his work is so romanticised and with great attention to detail which is a trait I think I often carry in my work. Sporting many of his hand-cut words ranging from a few hundred to eight thousand pounds there was also lots of merchandise items such as books, ceramics and stationary. Of course I had to step by the gift shop just to have a good mooch and I spoke to one of the assistants whom directed my to the shop's buyer of the YSP which I can speak to about selling some of the cards I am making for Valentines day which I am going to start making soon. For the rest of the day however we had a walk around the park which was completely covered in ice and the lake itself was from edge to edge encased in ice strong enough to support my weight, after we had to warm up and went home for homemade birthday cake and tea. What a perfect day.